Thursday, July 23, 2009

Watch me GROW!

Holy cow....took McGuffy to the vet yesterday for his second set of shots and boy had he grown. He has gained 5lbs in two weeks. He is such a great pup!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Best Buddies!

Chloe and McGuffy have become best buddies! She is really good with him.....most of the time. He can be brutal with those razor sharp baby teeth. He is really adjusting well to our family and is hardly ever left alone.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Baby McGuffy

Our family enjoyed visiting McGuffy and momma Tess for 3 weeks before we actually got to bring him home. This is also a picture of his dad Cleatus

Kraig's Summer ball

Kraig has played for 3 different baseball teams this summer. He has played on the U14, U16, and a traveling team from Adrian for tournments. I think he has enjoyed playing with so many different boys.


The newest addition to the Putnam household.....a 6 week old Golden Lab pup. He is a joy to have around the house but he has an exhausting amount of energy.

K3 Summer Baseball

Kirk has enjoyed playing baseball with a team from Hudson. There are boys from quite a few different cities on it. He has had fun traveling to different places to play. Look at that boy....he looks like a man!

Summer Fun

Konnor has spent the first part of his summer fishing, tubing with friends, and playing on two baseball teams. He is playing on an U10 and U12 team which means a minimum of 4 games a week for this boy.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Kayla spent over three hours designing this incredible Jody Picoult book cover cake. It was an exact replication of the book cover....very impressive. I think she was a little bummed when we actually wanted to cut and eat it. It was delicious.

Winter Fun

Konnor and Bryan have been able to enjoy of few of our Snow Days this year on the snowmobile.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Family Portrait

Right before xmas we had our family picture taken again. It had been quite a few years.....probably 8 to be exact. These are just pictures of pictures so they aren't very clear but at least you get the idea.

Christmas Past 06 Past 07 Present 08







I know you have heard the saying "time flies when your having fun"....well, I think the same is true for raising 3 boys. I downloaded the pictures from grandma linda's camera yesterday only to find that my boys are looking a lot older these days. Yeah, I watch them everyday but when you compare Christmas 06, 07, and 08 the changes are remarkable.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Goons!

Kirk, Kraig, Kurtis and Mike having a little fun dressing up before the Halloween Dance. Fat Sumo Pimp, Michael Jackson, Chris Farley - Beverly Hill Nija, and Austin Powers.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall at a GLANCE


We have had a FUN filled football season. All three boys have played well and worked hard. Kraig was one of the Freshman Class homecoming representives. He and Shannon looked AMAZING!!